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a good read


Everything you need to know for a welcoming experience.

Vague Disclaimer is Nobody's Friend.  Have Fun! - Willow

These policies are subject to change.


HellmouthCon is a family-friendly convention that provides its attendees with a weekend full of entertainment to socialize and have a good time. To that end, we have created and enforce the following rules of conduct that are in place for our conventions. The purchase of a ticket for  HellmouthCon includes your acknowledgement that you will follow all of these policies at all times.

Attendees must respect common sense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, and respect for private property. Harassing or offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Your convention badge/wristband is the property of Fandom Charities Inc. which reserves the right to revoke, without refund, the badge/wristband of any attendee not in compliance with this policy, permanent ban from all future events; and make contact with appropriate legal authorities. HellmouthCon reserves the right to deal with each matter individually, in a manner deemed fit by its Directors.


The HellmouthCon Convention Operations Office aka ConOps is located next to Will Call in the main entrance hall of Torrance High. During show hours you can always find a HellmouthCon team member at the ConOps table. Please stop by there if you have any questions or concerns.



On both Eventeny and Eventbrite, there are two separate but related names/emails that can be associated with a ticket.  The first set is the "buyer", and this is the account that was logged in and used to purchase the tickets.  This name/email combination cannot be changed, and is locked in when the ticket(s) are purchased.  The other set is the "attendee".  By default, this will match with buyer info, but can be changed at almost anytime by the buyer logging into their account and changing the name/email combo assigned to individual tickets.  On both platforms, the buyer retains full control over any tickets they purchased, regardless of the name/email assigned to an individual ticket.  There may be certain add-ons sold where only a person who is listed as the buyer on one or more convention tickets can be the one who purchases these add-ons.  If sale is restricted, it will be made very clear in the terms and conditions of the individual add-ons.  If you are unsure if you are the buyer of your tickets, you can log on to the platform where the tickets were purchased.  On Eventeny, you can see all of the tickets you have purchased at, and look under the "My Tickets" section.  On Eventbrite, you can see all of the tickets you have purchased at, and look under the "Orders" section.  If you do not see tickets listed for "HellmouthCon on the Hellmouth: Buffy Celebration at Sunnydale High 2025", that means you either have not purchased them yet, or they were purchased under another account.

If you do not purchase your own tickets (because a spouse, friend, roommate, etc. purchased them for you), the person who did purchase them is the only one who can make modifications to the tickets, and is the only one who can purchase restricted add-ons.  Please make sure you trust anyone who you work with to purchase tickets for our event.  If you are not listed as the buyer, we are unable to make any changes, or give you any details as to what purchases have been made other then telling you if there are any tickets with your name/email listed as "Attendee".  If you have any questions about this policy, or need any clarifications, please reach out to our registration department at, and we will be happy to assist you.

General Convention Policies

  • You must wear and display your wristband at all times while onsite at the Torrance High School campus. 

  • Individuals without a wristband will not be allowed in the event/convention at all and if found on site will be removed.

  • Acceptance of a HellmouthCon wristband constitutes an agreement to allow Fandom Charities, the HellmouthCon, its agents, or assignees to use your image and/or likeness for advertising or promotion by the Hellmouth Con and by any media being employed now or in the future without monetary or other compensation..

  • It is illegal to duplicate a HellmouthCon wristband or badge.

  • Tickets may only be checked in one time, using either the QR Code listed on the ticket or by presenting an ID with the name listed on the ticket.  Make sure to protect your tickets as once they are used, they cannot be used again.

Refund Information and Policies

  • General Refunds: Tickets, wristbands, Photo op and add-on tickets are non-refundable, except for cancellations by the celebrity guest, the event, or the specific photo op. Refunds are issued to the original form of payment.

  • Convention Cancellations: If the entire event is cancelled, all purchases (except items already shipped/provided) will be refunded

  • Photo Op Cancellations: If a specific photo op is cancelled, refunds will be issued. Visit the sales desk for refunds on cash purchases.

  • Missed Photo Ops and Fan Experiences: Refunds and exchanges are not given for missed add-ons. Arrive at the scheduled time.

  • Rights of Service: HellmouthCon reserves the right to refuse service to anyone for abusive behavior toward staff, other fans, or ambassadors. This may result in removal from the photo op area or event without refund.

Ticket Refunds & Transfers

​Except for the specific circumstances listed above, all tickets and other event purchases (photo ops, fan experiences, etc.) are non-refundable.  Unless other specified in the description of a specific ticket, they are fully transferrable​.  All tickets, regardless of the name and email listed on the individual ticket, will remain under the control/account of the original ticket purchaser.  Unless your ticket is being purchased by a family member or close friend, we highly recommend purchasing your ticket(s) under your account so you retain full control of them.  Neither Fandom Charities or Hellmouth Events can assist with resolving purchases that take place through any platform/third-party that we are not officially selling tickets on.   We sell tickets to our events only on Eventeny and Eventbrite.

Methods of communication with ticket holders

We utilize three electronic method to communicate with our ticket holders:

  1. Mass email communication through our Constant Contact Newsletter

  2. Individual email messages from our email domains

  3. Mass and Individual messages directly through the Eventeny platform


In order to make sure that you do not miss any important messages from us, please make sure all the following steps are completed:

  1. You have given consent for us to email you through Constant Contact.  You can do this by signing up for our newsletter here.

  2. White-list our email domains of,, and

  3. Make sure you have message notification enabled on Eventeny.  You ​can find instructions on how to enable them here.  Specifically, make sure you have message notifications enabled.

Prohibited Activities

The following activities will not be tolerated during HellmouthCon:

  • Physical or verbal harassment of attendees, guests of the convention, convention workers, the public or school staff

  • Sexual misconduct, such as indecent exposure, offensive touching, or other sexual harassment

  • Engaging in disruptive, inappropriate, prohibited by law, or unsafe behavior that disturbs other attendees, guests of the convention, convention workers, the public or school staff

  • Asking any guest of HellmouthCon for an autograph or photograph outside the convention’s posted autograph/photo hours and location.

  • Possession or use of any item defined as a weapon, illegal or not, with the exception of costume weapons (as defined in our Weapons Policy, below).

Costume Prop/Weapons Policy

No functional props or weapons are allowed at HellmouthCon. Simulated or costume weapons are allowed as a part of your costume, subject to prior approval by ConOps team and compliance with the following:

All costume props and weapons must be inspected at one of the Weapons/Costume Props Desk on the main will call/registration area.
Firearms, including concealed and unconcealed firearms and weapons are prohibited at all times by any person other than a uniformed law enforcement officer.

  • All costume props and weapons must conform to state and federal law.

  • Projectile costume props and weapons must be rendered inoperable.

  • Functional (real) arrows must have their tips removed and be bundled and zip-tied to a quiver.

  • Costume swords must be tied to your costume in such a way that they can’t be drawn.

After your costume props have been checked, they will be tagged by ConOps and you will be given a wristband to wear to designate that your props have been checked.

ConOps will escort you to the Costume Props Desk for inspection if your costume prop is not tagged.

If you do not want to have your costume props inspected or tagged, or if you are not willing to comply with these policies, please do not bring your costume weapons to HellmouthCon.

All costume props and weapons MUST be inspected at the Costume Props Desks.

Airspace (Balloons, Drones, etc.)

No devices may be flown or tethered within the confines of the Exhibit Hall or at any HellmouthCon function on campus grounds. This includes drones, helium balloons and helium-filled products, or any lighter-than-air objects either powered or unpowered.

Badges and Identification

Always wear your wristband and hang on to it!  You will need your wristband to attend any HellmouthCon function, including all daytime and nighttime panels and events at Torrance High and, of course, browsing or shopping in the Sunnydale Mall. Keep your wristband visible so team members and school staff do not stop you. If you’re asked to show your wristband please do so, including in the campus general areas. Tickets/wristbands/badges are nontransferable. Please do not give your wristband/badge to a friend or to people outside the campus when you leave HellmouthCon as you run the risk of your access being revoked without refund.

Costuming and Attire

HellmouthCon reserves the right to deem a costume unacceptable and request the wearer to make modifications as necessary. This convention is a family-friendly event. Please keep this in mind when choosing costumes and allow common sense and good taste to prevail.


All attendees are required by the campus to wear approved footwear while on campus space, which includes shoes, sandals, flip-flops or slippers. Bare feet, wheeled shoes, roller-skates, and hover-boards are not allowed on campus.

Photography and Videotaping

No video or audio recording is allowed of the footage on the screens during panels at HellmouthCon. The footage shown in these panels is exclusive, brought to HellmouthCon by the panelists with limited studio and network permissions. Please respect their rights and allow us to continue to show this type of material to our attendees.

Photography and videotaping of other activities including general cosplay, etc., are acceptable provided that it does not disrupt events or the flow of foot traffic. Should any convention guest or team member request that videotaping of a particular event/item be discontinued, please comply with this request immediately.


NO LATEX BALLOONS, GLOVES OR OTHER LATEX ITEMS allowed on site either for sale, giveaways or decorations. There are team members and attendees who have a deadly allergy to latex which will cause anaphylactic shock. Make sure to leave your drones, helium balloons, helium-filled products, fireworks, handcarts, trolleys, rolling luggage, and pets (excluding service animals) at home. Absolutely no functioning props or weapons are allowed. Only active on-duty police officers may carry firearms within the HellmouthCon convention area, after checking in with ConOps. All other persons are strictly prohibited regardless of license or status.

No Live Streaming of ANY Program or Event in a Programming Room without prior approval

The usage of live streaming apps and software on any electronic device (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) is not allowed in any program and event rooms. Filming with prior approval must be done without blocking the view of other attendees.

No Wearable Cameras/Video Recorders/Camera Phones

Remember that recording of footage on the screens during panels is prohibited (see above: No Video or Audio Recording of Program or Event without prior approval). This includes any recording device, digital, analog, or otherwise, including wearable cameras. You cannot wear these devices during footage viewing in any program room.

Also, please turn off your devices (phones, tablets, laptops, etc.) and put them away during screening of panel footage. Not doing so interferes with everyone’s viewing quality and causes ConOps to think you’re recording the clip.

No Pets Allowed on Campus (see Access Services Regarding Service Animals)

If you have pets, including iguanas, parrots, boa constrictors, or other nonhuman critters, please leave them at home. HellmouthCon can only allow service animals in the convention area.


HellmouthCon and/or Fandom Charities Inc. are not responsible for any loss, damage, theft, or injury with regard to any attendee at any time. Attendees are responsible for their individual actions and any repercussions that may result. Civil or medical emergencies must be reported to Convention Operations and campus staff who will contact the proper authorities.

No Retail Sales Unless Exhibit Space Has Been Purchased from HellmouthCon

No retail sales are allowed anywhere in HellmouthCon unless you purchased or were allocated exhibit space. This includes the Sunnydale Mall, campus areas, program rooms, and outside campus on sidewalk (still campus grounds). Retail sales are strictly limited to the exhibitors in the Sunnydale Mall. In addition, there is no solicitation of tips, fees, or donations for any reason, unless you have a booth, table, or official space allocated by HellmouthCon.


No Selfie Sticks or Similar Devices at HellmouthCon

Selfie sticks, GoPro poles, stilts, mono/tri-pods, or any device that extends your camera or phone away from your hand or body are not allowed at HellmouthCon.  If you’re seen with one of these devices, you will be asked by ConOps to put it away and not use it at HellmouthCon. This includes all of the Torrance High campus: Sunnydale Mall, programming and event rooms, etc., and on Torrance High grounds inside or outside.

No Smoking, Including E-cigarettes and Vaping Products and Devices

No smoking (of anything) is allowed at any HellmouthCon event at any time and in any location. No smoking at HellmouthCon includes traditional cigarettes, pipes, cigars, or E-cigarettes and any vaping product or device. This policy includes the Sunnydale Mall, all the Programming rooms, and entire school campus. You are welcome to step outside the school campus to public streets, but please be considerate of others when you do. This policy is in place not only for the comfort of attendees but also to comply with state, county, and city ordinances prohibiting smoking at public events near any doorway, entrance, exit, or operable window. Please comply with this policy; noncompliance may result in ejection from the convention.

HellmouthCon reserves the right to change or modify any policy or rule at any time and without notice.

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Social Media - HellmouthEvents

  • Facebook for Hellmouth Events.
  • Instagram for Hellmouth Events.
  • TikTok
  • Bluesky for Hellmouth Events
  • alt.text.label.Twitter

Social Media - Fandom Charities

  • Facebook - Fandom Charities
  • Instagram for Fandom Charities
  • TikTok
  • Bluesky for Fandom Charities
  • alt.text.label.Twitter

©2007-2024 by Fandom Charities Inc.® a 501(c)(3)
Hellmouth Events is a fan-generated charity event. Content, websites, etc., are not affiliated with Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy Productions, Disney, Marvel, Buffy, Angel, 21st Century FOX, Disney, or other appropriate copyright holders. 
Mailing Address: FCI c/o Marsia Powers  17327 Ventura Blvd, #200  Encino, CA 91316

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